October 2014

HAPPY WORLD ANIMAL DAY everyone!World-Animal-Day

Please ask yourself what can you do for animals today and any other day, because they all do deserve better lives too.

I’m vegan because I believe that all animals deserve better lives and better deaths too. Many people ask why should they care about animals when they or other people suffer, why should they care about something what doesn’t think. I say why not? Just because our lives are not perfect or better jet doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t care about somebody else. And animals are SOMEBODY not someTHING – they feel – they care! And there wouldn’t be a hunger if we wouldn’t waste our food and water to feed farm animals to produce small amount of food, if we would feed this food directly to people there wouldn’t be hunger.

Raising animals for food requires massive amounts of land, food, energy, and water and contributes to animal suffering.

It takes up to 13 pounds of grain to produce just 1 pound of meat, and even fish on fish farms must be fed up to 5 pounds of wild-caught fish to produce 1 pound of farmed fish flesh.

It takes more than 11 times as much fossil fuel to make one calorie from animal protein as it does to make one calorie from plant protein.

For more visit: http://www.peta.org/issues/animals-used-for-food/meat-wastes-natural-resources/

If it’s too hard for you to go straight to vegan diet – try first vegetarian diet, try meatless Mondays and add Wednesdays and Fridays… make a step the right direction for better life for you, your family, animals and our planet.

October schedule

But on the other note:G - october-2014

I can’t believe that is already OCTOBER here. How did it happened so fast??????????! I’m like 3 weeks in PIYO workout with my own schedule…of course my diet is not perfect and also my fitness is not what it used to be back in Austria, but I’m moving…. some days more than others . The weather is changing … it’s cold and rainy and many times I’m not feeling like getting out of the bed. But staying in such a state of mind is also not helping so let’s put some fun music on and let’s do it!

My PIYO workouts – 3 weeks in

Of course I’m missing accurate measurements to compare to (again I forgot to measure myself when I started- silly me, but never mind). 8)

Some workouts are more challenging than others, but I’m learning the moves and improving my form. Still not able to do triceps push ups, but I will get there. I’m slowly improving my flexibility and working on my strength.

I also started Chalene’s 30 Day Challenge to Master Organization and Achieve Your Goals and here is the link: https://teamjohnson.infusionsoft.com/app/form/success/42699f485e18e0f7362dcef71941c94d/887173/276f9c7a9ff95ab5682a87ee949c2cb8

I really like Chalene and her personality.

And this time I decided to write down my measurements here so I get better motivation to succeed ..fingers crossed 😛

so here it is:

R arm: 31cm
Chest: 86 cm
Waist: 72.5cm
Abs: 82.5cm
Butt: 89cm
R Thigh: 54cm
R Calf: 34.2cm


I will post update of my schedule when I will know.

My October schedule is not entirely decided yet ..it all depends when I’m leaving to UK and so on…

that’s it for now.

Peace and love,G.

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